Sunday, December 13, 2009

27 weeks and 4 days

I haven't posted anything in forever. I write in my journal mostly. Let's see.. I had a lump on my chest and I had to get a biopsy. Found out it was a cyst but it's benign. So I'm cancer free, for now. I'm contracting a lot more these days. They don't hurt they're just tightening my tummy. Ava is getting huge. Last ultrasound at 26 weeks she weighed 1 pound 8 ounces. I actually have a baby bump. :}

Random news! I got the Motorola Droid early! My mom said it's still a Christmas present but that's totally okay! I lub it!
I'm watching Trading Spouses and this lady is crazy. I hate when people aren't open to other people's beliefs and opinions, but they are totally ready to yell at you for not believing in what they believe in. Irritates me.

I'll update more. Hahaha. Nothing has really happened lately. Family has visited me lots! Woo! And now I have my own room so I can have slumber parties<33